Wendy’s Sausage Egg And Cheese English Muffin Calories & Nutrition
Wendy’s Sausage Egg And Cheese English Muffin has 540 calories. It has 37g fat, 20g protein and 31g Carbohydrates per servings.
Wendy’s Sausage Egg And Cheese English Muffin has 540 calories. It has 37g fat, 20g protein and 31g Carbohydrates per servings.
Wendy’s Egg & Cheese Biscuit Combo has around 360 calories and the price is just $3.19. It contains 18g fat, 14g Protein and 36g Carbs
Wendy’s Honey Butter Chicken Biscuit Combo has 500 Calories & Price is around $6.89. It contains 29g fat, 14g Protein and 44g Carbohydrates.
Breakfast Baconator Combo is a healthy breakfast and contains 710 Calories at price of just $6.89. It has 48g fats, 33g Protein & 37g carbs.
Wendy’s Bacon Egg and Cheese Biscuit Combo has 420 Calories and Price is $5.99. It has 27g Fat, 16g Protein and 28g Carbohydrates